Duke Nukem Wiki

Using Space Suit[]

'I have' duke3d.grp from v1.3d full and i have group of v1.0 shareware. When i put v1.3d art files into v1.0 i see thats space suit works perfectly. I create test map with mapster and with group studio i put that map in group file. Then with batch file command parameter "duke3d /v4 /l9" i test map and thats work perfectly. I think can work on v1.1 and 0.99.

How to make this project:

1. Create map with Mapster\Build.

2. Map must be named ExLx.map

3. Open group studio

4. Put your map into duke3d.grp [and art. from v1.3d too!]

5. Save group file

6. Create batch file that has this in text: "duke3d /vx /lx"

x is number of episode and level.

7. Test and enjoy! 21:50, June 23, 2011 (UTC)
